So I have spent the last week trying to work out what an appropriate response to the bushfires that have swept our state over the last week - i have read a number of statements written by other bloggers, pastors and people from all over the place and they range from things like the "bushfires being a judgement from God" for the decriminilization of abortion act passed in our state last year to amazing responses of service, compassion, sacrifice, courage and generosity - I am a BIG fan of the latter responses as my theology and my understanding of the God I serve and love is not vindictive theology...I believe our God is long suffering, faithful, loving and full of Grace as demonstrated in the person and work of Jesus...
My response will be to pray, to give, to serve, to love, to befriend at every opportunity - not just in the initial stages of this tragedy but i have decided to respond to all tragedy in this way - whether it be of a large scale as we have seen over the last week or on a 'smaller' scale in the everyday...
My response will be ongoing. It will vary depending on the need and it will grow as i grow in response to the love Jesus has given me.
The events of last week have helped me realize that my story is wrapped up in the story of others; and it is ongoing, it is being written and edited and adjusted daily. I realize that when those around me are affected or impacted in a positive or a negative way, i share in that and i have to respond.
I will live, i will pray and i will love others....daily!
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