'He's just not that into you!" mmmm?!
Caught this movie the other day with my wife and afterward I asked her - "...was that for real? Do women actually think like that?"
I found myself squirming in my seat on a number of occasions throughout this movie as i found it quite sad and uncomfortable watching the character, Gigi, played by Ginnifer Goodwin as she desperately sought self worth and meaning in men and relationships.
I had many awkward moments as I watched the poor acting, yet again, from Scarlett Johansson who played the 'seductive' struggling singer, Anna, as she pushed her chest out and delivered her lines unconvincingly and as if she were reading directly from the script...
I struggled through the conversations between Ben Affleck's and Jennifer Aniston's characters as they talked of marriage and what it represented.
I thought that most of the actors (Johansson being the odd one out ) did a fine job of portraying their characters, especially Justin Long and Ginnifer Goodwin. I dont think it was the acting that really disturbed me about this movie, it wasnt the way in which it was structured or the way it played out either...
I walked out of the cinema trying to figure out what got to me and here's what i have come up with so far...
I think it's the thought of this portrayal of 'love' actually resonating with women (and men) all over the place that freaks me out a bit. I am concerned with the idea that for a woman you need to find a man in order to discover your sense of self worth.
This movie implied that when you find 'the one' you become an exception to the rule, like you're not unique or special if you aren't in a relationship, it implied that the happy ending is experienced within the first few moments of a relationship and that for it to remain a happy ending everything is always rosy. It suggests that marriage is something you do to make the woman happy - as if men don't want to get married, and as if they cant experience joy in a committed relationship.
I guess, in short, what got to me about this movie is that it pigeon holed men as selfish, shallow creatures who are led by their penises, or who are unable and unwilling to commit unless they are forced into a corner making them appear weak... women, on the other hand, are portrayed as being needy, pathetic, dependant and obsessive stalkers who have no sense of place or worth without a man - at least that's what i saw when i watched this movie?! I'd love to hear your perspective - maybe I missed something?!
If "He's just not that into you!" resonates at all with real life then we all got some explaining to do, let's change the record.
All these flicks are the same. I know people are gonna go to town and suggest there is nothing wrong with the movie if it is seen as a bit of fun - but thats the thing, i have a little tiny feeling that on some undisclosed and possibly, unchecked level people are buying into this 'story' as being reality... that's what i have a problem with!!
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