So as of yesterday I begun a 2 month fast from TV, and when I say TV I am meaning any form of entertainment you can watch on a TV set and or laptop - so no actual TV shows on TV, no TV on DVD, no movies, VHS or even BETA films can be viewed from Monday morning when I wake up until Friday night!
On my blog I will share what I am discovering and what I am filling my time with now that I have no TV or movies to distract me during my week!
So, you might be asking why would you stop watching TV? well I have a feeling that if I were to remove TV from my weeks I just might discover that there are many more things that I could do with my time... I might just begin to become more creative, more imaginative and possibly a little more disciplined - I might go to bed earlier, which might mean getting up earlier and having more energy!?
I might actually become more involved in what's happening out there in the big wide world outside my front door - maybe I'll introduce myself to the neighbours, maybe i'll cook, write, read, paint, go to the gym, play some basketball?? Who the heck knows but maybe by killing TV for the next couple of months I might just begin to live a little more!
I'm not sure but I am going to put these theories to the test!
How's it going mate?
I've got a long (maybe 12 month) tv at home and internet at home fast coming up in December.
I want to be less of a time waster and more productive for the kingdom, and a good husband!
Are they some of the effects you're noticing??
I forgot to sign up for email comments with my last comment so that's why I'm writing this one. So I know when you reply!
Mr B - I have seen great results, even in the last 4 days - blogged about it for you!
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