Read this today -
"...I realized that i followed a magnificently surprising God, and that by becoming friends with Jesus' friends, my life is made immeasurably richer."
The following is a very brief intro to one of the many examples of a Jesus friend who happens to be my friend also:
There was this kid who rocked up into the youth ministry i was leading about 5 years ago, a tiny kid who loved soccer, wore his cap off the back of his head, was extremely cocky and who loved to be the centre of attention.
I have seen this kid become friends with Jesus over the past 5 years - it started off being a friendship he seemed to claim simply because he had found a world in which he not only belonged, but flourished.
He followed me around and invaded my life. Initially, and arrogantly, I 'allowed' him to because i assumed it is what i was supposed to do as a good Christian youth leader, i was supposed to make disciples and i HAD to love people right?
It wasn't long before this kid started to really grow on me. I saw an amazing sensitivity, accompanied by a passion to love, to learn about and serve this God he had asked to be in his life. He had an unchecked and unreserved charisma about him - he knew and still knows everyone - a natural leader, sometimes it is used for good and other times not so good...
For the last 5 years I have done my best to lead and encourage him in his journey. I have tried to show him Jesus in the way i relate to him, the way i speak to him and the way i do life with him and many times i have fallen short, i have failed him and i have completely misrepresented Jesus to him.
He's grown up now. He aint perfect and still has his imperfections as we all do - but I no longer assume that i have been the only one leading and teaching him of God. Looking back i can now see that there has been many times he has shown me Jesus and taught me of God's grace and love for me...
I have seen him grow from a tiny little boy, into a young man who is still just as raw, honest, sensative, passionate and strong willed in his pursuit of his relationships with those around him and with his God.
He underestimates himself and his natural, god given ability to influence and transform the lives of others around him. I think thats why he maybe struggles to see certain things through - i believe in him and i know he'll succeed in life, i reckon all he needs is to take a look at himself through God's eyes and that'll do the trick?!
Tonight he made a decision, i doubt very much, i would have made at his age; and i am proud of him. He is no longer a kid whom i disciple but a mate i walk with... my life is immeasurabely richer because i am a friend with one of Jesus' friends!
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