When I'm busiest i seem to procrastinate more...you?
When I'm not so busy, not so booked and not so pressured I seem to look for more to do. Procrastination is the bane of my life...
I have to acknowledge that I am aware that procrastination is what I do to avoid getting into things I should be getting into - but what's hilarious is that whilst I am avoiding that which I should be facing I don't ever enjoy the activities I engage in to distract me from the more important task at hand.
Like right now I am writing one of those ridiculous posts that I would be annoyed at reading about if I subscribed to my own blog... so here's my attempt at making this blog a 'blog of worth'...
I wonder if it's harder NOT to procrastinate these days, with a world filled with things to do - facebook, twitter, myspace to check, blogs to read, x-boxes to play, 'stuff' to buy, coffee to drink, people to call, sms, instant chat, not to mention the TV to watch!!!
What does it mean and why do we do it?
verb, -nat⋅ed, -nat⋅ing.–verb (used without object)
–verb (used with object)
1. | to defer action; delay: to procrastinate until an opportunity is lost. |
2. | to put off till another day or time; defer; delay. |
I wonder if procrastination is not the new busy, in fact I wonder if it has not become the lifestyle choice?! Having spent a lot of time procrastinating I am able to conclude that it is hard work to maintain and continue to procrastinate consistently, creatively and effectively.
We spend alot of time building our alter egos on the web on our facebook pages, on our myspace pages, we build 'virtual' relationships in virtual worlds, we have uninhibited conversations over instant chat and sms - we build characters and embark on amazing adventures in fantasy worlds or become instant rock stars and guitar heros when we pick up our game controls... so why has it become harder to do little things like have conversations, confront hard issues and work stuff out face to face with people - i mean we can do so much in the virtual world?
I've come up with this - even though it is hard work to create and live as someone else, it's still easier then the alternative ... reality?!
If you're looking to avoid face to face relationships, conversations; if you're looking to avoid problems, issues or the 'boring', mundane reality of your everyday life - there are thousands of options and opportunities for escape...
It's all procrastination - isn't it?
We fill our world with activities that are primarily engaged to distract ourselves from what is real?! Maybe, having believed that real = boring, mundane, joyless and unsatisfying...?
I am making broad statements with fat brushes of generalisation, but i have found that as I get older I am beginning to enjoy and even desire the everyday ordinariness of my life. In fact I have grown to love it!! I have found that I am looking for reality more than fantasy.

I still procrastinate but not as much as I used to...
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