Saturday, February 28, 2009
Friday, February 27, 2009
Is Jesus God?

Had a few people over at our place the other night for our fortnightly catchup and we kicked off a discussion out of the book of Mark, chapter 2.
It was a good conversation but before I get into a little of what we talked about let me preface by saying that the Bible is a freaky deaky book if you read it and believe any of what is being shared in and through its pages as opposed to seeing it a just a bunch of mythical legends or stories.
Mark chapter 2 is no exception. There's a story in it that tells of how Jesus was hanging out at someones place in a town called Capernaum; when news spread that he was there, the house quickly became packed, and even overflowing to the point where four men decided that in order for them, and their paralyzed mate, to get close enough to hear Jesus they decided to dig through the clay roof and lower their mate down?! Um, are these guys nuts?
Imagine for me, if you will, that Oprah Winfrey is speaking at Rod Lava arena, with the roof closed... the place is packed to overflowing and in the midst of Oprah telling the crowds about the latest book to make it onto her book club reading list you look up to see sparks flying from the roof as the acetylene cutting torch slices out a hole big enough for a crew of 4 healthy men along with their 1 paralyzed mate to ab sail down, Mission Impossible style, to where Oprah is standing on the platform?! What do you reckon the response would be? I reckon she would have been taken swiftly away by her security and the men who cut the hole and then ab sailed down would have been arrested and taken into custody?! It's not normal to cut holes in peoples roofs, not today and not back then when Jesus walked the earth... but it happened.
But that's not the craziest thing I see in this story. This is freakier - this is the first time in this book that Jesus seems to 'out' himself as God - he does it when he says to the paralyzed man "My son, your sins are forgiven." That wasn't the done thing for a jewish preacher to do?! Jesus had performed miracles prior to this event (a massive thing in and of itself) but here he was forgiving sins and according to Jewish understanding the only Cat with the authority to forgive sins was God Himself...
Let's take the Oprah analogy one step further - this would be like Oprah claiming to be God. Now I love Oprah, and I have no doubt that some people would believe that she is God - but not this cookie, and hopefully not Oprah!

Jesus was a big deal, he was controversial - I think that if someone comes out and says they're God they are either crazy, joking around or telling the truth...aren't they?
So, is the Bible nuts, are the writers insane, or is the Bible truthful, is Jesus God?
I believe He is - but not because it makes sense, not just because I read it in the Bible but because I have had a personal revelation of the fact. I cant explain to you why, I couldn't win an argument with you based on reason and logic. This kind of faith exists outside of human logic and understanding... For a guy to be able to forgive sins, perform healings and get resurected from the dead goes beyond anything any human has been able to accomplish through scientific or technological means, right? So how can I explain that using logic or graphs or big words. I can't do it, I am just not smart enough.
Reality suggests that I am either crazy or I am kidding myself or I have discovered the truth and I am telling it.
I do believe that the Bible tells the truth and that it is God inspired and God breathed and in terms of an attempt to explain why I believe this to be I have to direct you to it and what it says about Jesus - John chapter 1:
"In the beginning the Word already existed. He was with God, and He was God. He was in the beginning with God. He created everything there is. Nothing exists that He didn't make. Life itself was in Him, and this life gives light to everyone...The one who is the true light, who gives light to everyone, was going to come into the world."
It goes on...
"So the Word became human and lived here on earth among us. He was full of unfailing love and faithullness. And we have seen His glory, the glory of the only Son of the Father... God's unfailing love and faithfullness came through Jesus Christ. No one has ever seen God. But His only Son, who is himself God, is near to the Father's heart; He has told us about Him."
This was the testimony, the personal witness and declaration of one of Jesus' mates - who got to see Him in the flesh, walk and talk with Him, see him die and then be ressurected... but it is my testimony also. Jesus has shown me unfailing love and faithfulness in a number of ways and I believe Him to be God!!
I have to acknowledge that this doesn't make sense without revelation, and I am talking about a revelation that comes outside of the realm of the natural, it comes by the Spirit... it's Uber natural!!
Pete got it before I did - check out Matthew chapter 16:
[Jesus] asked them, "Who do you say I am?" Simon Peter answered, "You are the Messiah, the Son of the liiving God."
Jesus replied, "You are blessed Simon, son of John, because my Father in Heaven has revealed this to you. You did not learn this from any human being..."
Some would say that to believe that Jesus is God, or that there even is a God in the first place is limited or that it is even a cop out - but I am of the opinion that it actually expands the realm of the possible.
If you can believe that Jesus was, in fact, God and that He did all that the Book says He did then it takes the possible, rips it up and throws it out and replaces it with the impossible. Check out these stories - Matthew 19: 24-26, Mark 10: 27, Acts 4:13-14 as a starting point... Impossible was normal for Jesus.
It's a whole new, crazy way of viewing life because it operates outside of our understanding. I can't possibly explain this impossibility so I'll leave it to my impossibly massive God to do that work...
Any further thoughts - add them, attempt to ask me or just ask Jesus to reveal it to ya! ha ha
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Red Jumpsuits, the sickest kids and the rest...

It's close to 2am on a friday morning and I have just made it home from my first gig in a long time...
Here's the line up -
Bayside Cult
Jack's Mannequin
Forever the Sickest Kids
Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
Overall a good gig and although I paid to see Red Jumpsuit it was FTSK that blew my mind. These boys put on an amazing show from the outset, there energy was amazing, there sound was tight and they knew how to entertain - with the highlights being 'Hey Brittany', 'She's a Lady' and a there very own version of the 'Men in Black theme song'.
At every turn FTSK involved the crowd and we happily obliged!!
But here was the most impressive kicker for me, on top of being wicked performers - they set the stage for the headline act by lifting the atmosphere to a whole new level, a real indication of a class act in my opinion.
'Jack's Mannequin' was definitely the low light of the gig and it surprised me that they were even invited to perform let alone take second stage after, an obviously more talented and tighter band, bayside cult?!
Watching Jack's Mannequin was like attending a High School Prom, they were ridiculously messy, the lead singer reminded me of what Ben Fold's might have been like in the midst of puberty, the bass player was a weedy white guy wearing a Celtics singlet and an arm warmer - what did he come straight from a game?? The lead gutarist looked bored, un coordinated and no older then 12... it was weird. None of these fellas looked comfortable and the lead singer tried so hard to over compensate for the akwardness that it made it really hard to watch... The best thing about these guys was there merch...

All in all a good night out - thanks for the tickets Timmy G...
Thursday, February 19, 2009

When I'm busiest i seem to procrastinate
When I'm not so busy, not so booked and not so pressured I seem to look for more to do. Procrastination is the bane of my life...
I have to acknowledge that I am aware that procrastination is what I do to avoid getting into things I should be getting into - but what's hilarious is that whilst I am avoiding that which I should be facing I don't ever enjoy the activities I engage in to distract me from the more important task at hand.
Like right now I am writing one of those ridiculous posts that I would be annoyed at reading about if I subscribed to my own blog... so here's my attempt at making this blog a 'blog of worth'...
I wonder if it's harder NOT to procrastinate these days, with a world filled with things to do - facebook, twitter, myspace to check, blogs to read, x-boxes to play, 'stuff' to buy, coffee to drink, people to call, sms, instant chat, not to mention the TV to watch!!!
What does it mean and why do we do it?
verb, -nat⋅ed, -nat⋅ing.–verb (used without object)
–verb (used with object)
1. | to defer action; delay: to procrastinate until an opportunity is lost. |
2. | to put off till another day or time; defer; delay. |
I wonder if procrastination is not the new busy, in fact I wonder if it has not become the lifestyle choice?! Having spent a lot of time procrastinating I am able to conclude that it is hard work to maintain and continue to procrastinate consistently, creatively and effectively.
We spend alot of time building our alter egos on the web on our facebook pages, on our myspace pages, we build 'virtual' relationships in virtual worlds, we have uninhibited conversations over instant chat and sms - we build characters and embark on amazing adventures in fantasy worlds or become instant rock stars and guitar heros when we pick up our game controls... so why has it become harder to do little things like have conversations, confront hard issues and work stuff out face to face with people - i mean we can do so much in the virtual world?
I've come up with this - even though it is hard work to create and live as someone else, it's still easier then the alternative ... reality?!
If you're looking to avoid face to face relationships, conversations; if you're looking to avoid problems, issues or the 'boring', mundane reality of your everyday life - there are thousands of options and opportunities for escape...
It's all procrastination - isn't it?
We fill our world with activities that are primarily engaged to distract ourselves from what is real?! Maybe, having believed that real = boring, mundane, joyless and unsatisfying...?
I am making broad statements with fat brushes of generalisation, but i have found that as I get older I am beginning to enjoy and even desire the everyday ordinariness of my life. In fact I have grown to love it!! I have found that I am looking for reality more than fantasy.

I still procrastinate but not as much as I used to...
Monday, February 16, 2009
Just not that into..."he's just not that into you!"

'He's just not that into you!" mmmm?!
Caught this movie the other day with my wife and afterward I asked her - "...was that for real? Do women actually think like that?"
I found myself squirming in my seat on a number of occasions throughout this movie as i found it quite sad and uncomfortable watching the character, Gigi, played by Ginnifer Goodwin as she desperately sought self worth and meaning in men and relationships.
I had many awkward moments as I watched the poor acting, yet again, from Scarlett Johansson who played the 'seductive' struggling singer, Anna, as she pushed her chest out and delivered her lines unconvincingly and as if she were reading directly from the script...
I struggled through the conversations between Ben Affleck's and Jennifer Aniston's characters as they talked of marriage and what it represented.
I thought that most of the actors (Johansson being the odd one out ) did a fine job of portraying their characters, especially Justin Long and Ginnifer Goodwin. I dont think it was the acting that really disturbed me about this movie, it wasnt the way in which it was structured or the way it played out either...
I walked out of the cinema trying to figure out what got to me and here's what i have come up with so far...
I think it's the thought of this portrayal of 'love' actually resonating with women (and men) all over the place that freaks me out a bit. I am concerned with the idea that for a woman you need to find a man in order to discover your sense of self worth.
This movie implied that when you find 'the one' you become an exception to the rule, like you're not unique or special if you aren't in a relationship, it implied that the happy ending is experienced within the first few moments of a relationship and that for it to remain a happy ending everything is always rosy. It suggests that marriage is something you do to make the woman happy - as if men don't want to get married, and as if they cant experience joy in a committed relationship.
I guess, in short, what got to me about this movie is that it pigeon holed men as selfish, shallow creatures who are led by their penises, or who are unable and unwilling to commit unless they are forced into a corner making them appear weak... women, on the other hand, are portrayed as being needy, pathetic, dependant and obsessive stalkers who have no sense of place or worth without a man - at least that's what i saw when i watched this movie?! I'd love to hear your perspective - maybe I missed something?!
If "He's just not that into you!" resonates at all with real life then we all got some explaining to do, let's change the record.
All these flicks are the same. I know people are gonna go to town and suggest there is nothing wrong with the movie if it is seen as a bit of fun - but thats the thing, i have a little tiny feeling that on some undisclosed and possibly, unchecked level people are buying into this 'story' as being reality... that's what i have a problem with!!
Jesus' friends...

Read this today -
"...I realized that i followed a magnificently surprising God, and that by becoming friends with Jesus' friends, my life is made immeasurably richer."
The following is a very brief intro to one of the many examples of a Jesus friend who happens to be my friend also:
There was this kid who rocked up into the youth ministry i was leading about 5 years ago, a tiny kid who loved soccer, wore his cap off the back of his head, was extremely cocky and who loved to be the centre of attention.
I have seen this kid become friends with Jesus over the past 5 years - it started off being a friendship he seemed to claim simply because he had found a world in which he not only belonged, but flourished.
He followed me around and invaded my life. Initially, and arrogantly, I 'allowed' him to because i assumed it is what i was supposed to do as a good Christian youth leader, i was supposed to make disciples and i HAD to love people right?
It wasn't long before this kid started to really grow on me. I saw an amazing sensitivity, accompanied by a passion to love, to learn about and serve this God he had asked to be in his life. He had an unchecked and unreserved charisma about him - he knew and still knows everyone - a natural leader, sometimes it is used for good and other times not so good...
For the last 5 years I have done my best to lead and encourage him in his journey. I have tried to show him Jesus in the way i relate to him, the way i speak to him and the way i do life with him and many times i have fallen short, i have failed him and i have completely misrepresented Jesus to him.
He's grown up now. He aint perfect and still has his imperfections as we all do - but I no longer assume that i have been the only one leading and teaching him of God. Looking back i can now see that there has been many times he has shown me Jesus and taught me of God's grace and love for me...
I have seen him grow from a tiny little boy, into a young man who is still just as raw, honest, sensative, passionate and strong willed in his pursuit of his relationships with those around him and with his God.
He underestimates himself and his natural, god given ability to influence and transform the lives of others around him. I think thats why he maybe struggles to see certain things through - i believe in him and i know he'll succeed in life, i reckon all he needs is to take a look at himself through God's eyes and that'll do the trick?!
Tonight he made a decision, i doubt very much, i would have made at his age; and i am proud of him. He is no longer a kid whom i disciple but a mate i walk with... my life is immeasurabely richer because i am a friend with one of Jesus' friends!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
A Response...

So I have spent the last week trying to work out what an appropriate response to the bushfires that have swept our state over the last week - i have read a number of statements written by other bloggers, pastors and people from all over the place and they range from things like the "bushfires being a judgement from God" for the decriminilization of abortion act passed in our state last year to amazing responses of service, compassion, sacrifice, courage and generosity - I am a BIG fan of the latter responses as my theology and my understanding of the God I serve and love is not vindictive theology...I believe our God is long suffering, faithful, loving and full of Grace as demonstrated in the person and work of Jesus...
My response will be to pray, to give, to serve, to love, to befriend at every opportunity - not just in the initial stages of this tragedy but i have decided to respond to all tragedy in this way - whether it be of a large scale as we have seen over the last week or on a 'smaller' scale in the everyday...
My response will be ongoing. It will vary depending on the need and it will grow as i grow in response to the love Jesus has given me.
The events of last week have helped me realize that my story is wrapped up in the story of others; and it is ongoing, it is being written and edited and adjusted daily. I realize that when those around me are affected or impacted in a positive or a negative way, i share in that and i have to respond.
I will live, i will pray and i will love others....daily!
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Life on Mars...

Life on Mars - my newest favourite series. I'm not suprised I liked it at all considering i am a fan of TV shows such as Quantum Leap, CSI and Rescue Me, and movies like Frequency, and The Wizard of OZ. Life on Mars has the perfect mixture for someone who is into shows from all those genres - a little time travel / sci-fi where the lead character is trapped in the past trying to find a way home (Quantum Leap /Wizard of Oz), a little crime scene investigation / thriller (CSI) and a dash of New York attitude (Rescue Me) thrown in for good measure.
I am a fan of the plot, it's somewhat lame and quirky in parts but for me i think that adds to the attraction - I like lame and quirky! It reminds me i'm watching TV, it allows my imagination to play around with some stupid ideas - like it would be possible for someone in the future to communicate with someone in the past through a car radio! Wouldn't it? That's something to remember if you're ever caught back in time!?
The other thing i really enjoyed about this episode is that there was a sense of movement the whole way through and a little bit of closure at the end, while at the same time the ending wasn't obvious, providing an overarching mystery / question mark to keep us hooked in. I cant stand a series' where NOTHING seems to happen episode after episode, season after season and the same mystery going on and on throughout numerous seasons (AKA Lost)...
Interestingly the Brits beat the americans to it and produced their own BAFTA and Emmy award winning series of Life on Mars that aired on Brit TV back in January 2006 - I would love to check that out to compare with the American's 2008 version!!
Life on Mars rates - i just hope it keeps me interested!!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Melbourne Flair Bartenders - Where Art Thou?

When I first saw the movie cocktail as a teenager back in the early 90's - I wanted to do it and to live the lifestyle played out on the big screen by Tom Cruise. My grandfather was a bar manager on the Central Coast of NSW and this guy was my idol... he knew what the ladies were into - it was Pimms and Dry Ginger back in his day. Now it's Cosmos and anything as long as it ends with 'tini... He poured beers and Pimms well, but I knew Tommy poured them with a style that i wanted to emulate...
It was many years later when i stepped behind my first bar - TGI Fridays in Doncaster back in 1998. I practiced throwing stuff around all day, everyday - anything from mixing tins, bottles, glassware to napkins, ice, straws, bottle blades and I LOVED IT!
Flair wasn't just about throwing stuff around, it was about the way you made the drink, presented and served the drink; it was definitely about the way you entertained, served, listened and remembered every guest that sat on the other side of the bench...
I saw myself as an entertainer, a host, an artist, a counselor, a listener, a performer - i did it all with flair and all with style.
I recently began flairing again because i saw that the art has all but died out in this country, or at least in this state. Melbourne had a thriving flair bartending scene back in the day - i ran with boys such as Sammy Cameron, Nick Chamberlin, Jay Mitchell, Andy Smith and others who were flipping amazing to watch when you put them behind a bar... but the lack of money forced these fellas overseas, into 'real' jobs or into management where they were able to earn more and get appreciated for their trade.
Flair needs to come back to Australian shores. I thank God for Melbourne's amazing cocktail culture. Their are some amazing mixoligists working in this state but none who throw, spin and flip the bottle and tin like they did in the old days let alone like they still do it (to a whole new FREAKY DEAKY level overseas)... in the likes of Bar Wizards Neil Garner, Neil Lowrey, Tom Dyer, Nicholas St Jean - and these guys are literally just a few out of hundreds of Flairers who train, compete, perform, play and get PAID for the art/sport they live!!
I would love to see some young Flair Bartenders being trained and raised up to compete on the international Flair Scene - i would like to see an Aussie and specifically a Melbourne kid win Roadhouse, UFBC and the Paris Flair Open to name only a few - but who will compete and represent?
Thanks to all y'all Mixoligists out there but let's bring back the Flair to Melbourne...
Check out these links:
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Jesus Invites...

I read the story of Jesus and Zacchaeus, the short tax collector, and i have learnt a couple of things:
1. People are curious about Jesus – what are we, who are following Him showing them?
I think most people, regardless of age have a preconceived idea of who Jesus is and what He looks like. Some see him as the baby in a manger. Others see him as an old man in the sky with a massive white beard, some see him as a weedy white guy with blonde hair and blue eyes and others might even see him as Chris Rock as he was played in the movie Dogma... but that all comes down to image.
I think Jesus was known and is made known today in and through the actions of those who claim to follow Him. I also think Jesus can be made known and seen in and through those who don't know Him personally - but thats a broader discussion...
Let me get to the point - i think people are curious about Jesus and they look to the church and those of u who make up the church to show them what he looks like, who he cares for, how He acts, loves and lives on a daily basis?! I wonder what we are showing those around us as individual followers of Jesus and then as a Church?
Something that has really captured me lately is that verse that says something like "...where two or three are gathered in His name - Jesus is in the midst." I used to think that when a couple of Christians gathered in a church building and got spiritual that Jesus would mystically float down from heaven and give us all a cool 'spiritual' experience, but now i am more convinced that "everything is spiritual" that when we come together in community around a table, at a cafe, at a pub or bar, playing Xbox or just hanging out with friends and family - Jesus can be seen!
As a Christian I believe Jesus is present and can be made known in and through the lives of believers and when we come together, when we serve one another and those in our community, when we eat together, play together, cry together i reckon we see and show to others, a greater picture of Jesus.
2. Jesus invites himself into your world – how will you receive him?
From this story i have also discovered that Jesus has no issue in inviting Himself into our lives. I see this throughout the Bible and it has made me think that simply inviting people into my world and into church is not enough. I have started inviting myself into other peoples worlds. I make a commitment to pursue the relationship with others and i have discovered that regardless of sometimes differing beliefs and values i have been well received. I think this is a much more dangerous way to operate, by pursuing relationships in such a way - i reckon you make yourself vulnerable because you are the first person to say - im interested in you! If you simply invite people to come to you you are able to keep them at arms length and it is up to them to make the first step towards some kind of friendship?! Maybe.
3. A church that mutters or a church that eats with strangers…
I have a feeling that in the story Zacchaeus and Jesus those that 'muttered' and complained were those who had positioned themselves as being 'better' and more holy then Zacchaeus... I look at what Jesus did here and i think - "flip this dude is loco", Z was a social outcast, ven though he was Jewish he was considered the enemy as he collected taxes for the Empire that was oppressing the Israelites - and Jesus wants to hang out at his place?!
If anything challenges me about this story, it's got to be this because it challenges me towards a life that welcomes strangers, outcasts and even enemies into my world. It's easy to seperate yourself from those that are too hard or misunderstood - isnt it?
If we want to be more like Jesus, if we want to discover more of Him then maybe we have to keep a place at our tables for the stranger, for the outcasts and the misfits!
4. Jesus brings transformation that calls for sacrifice!
I love that by simply inviting himself into Zacchaeus' life, Jesus transforms his whole world. Zacchaeus is so wrapped that Jesus is coming to his place that he seems to acknowledge the sin that all the other people were so quick to point out and he sets about bringing restoration by returning all the money he took - and then 4 times more!!
Receiving Jesus into your world not only calls for repentance and restoration but sacrifice. Zacchaeus got it and he responded accordingly. Jesus didnt point the finger, he didnt condemn he simply invited himself into Zacchaeus' life and transformation happened - that's full on!
It's scary, it's challenging, it's dangerous - man, it flies in the face of the culture that builds fences and locks doors and shuts out - Jesus calls us to bring about transformation in and through relationships...
5. Jesus sought us out, lets do the same!
It's safe to stay in church. It's safe to live by a program. But i am thinking that the church is supposed to 'go' beyond the four walls of their buildings. To stop separating their lives into church, work and social compartments?! We are the church ALL the time, everywhere we are - right?
I think Jesus demonstrates this to us. He was the same at Temple and in peoples homes; thing is he went to temple to challenge the pharisees to get out more, to love more and to do life with those in their community, then He showed them how. Jesus sought people out and people sought him out - maybe the christian life is one of seeking out Jesus and being sought out by Him.
I read the Great Commandment in Matthew 28 and i hear it encourage me to 'go' out and make disciples of Christ. But the implication here is that we are sent from somewhere - that's where church comes into it. Church is massively important, i believe that we HAVE to gather together for worship, prayer, community and i believe that is the place we are supposed to be launched from, where we 'go' from...
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