Currently I am thinking about ordinary moments - have been reading the story about how Jesus rocks up at Mary and Martha's place for dinner - it's an ordinary moment in Jesus life and ministry. He's not healing people, he's not hanging out with sinners, he's not feeding five thousand people, he's not being controversial or subversive - he's just being a guy catching up with a couple of friends looking forward to sharing a meal... and yet this ordinary moment turns out to be no ordinary, ordinary moment and Mary knows it!
Jesus has rocked up and she doesn't want to miss a single moment, she is absorbed, captured by every word that comes out of Jesus' mouth... she has recognizes that there really is no such thing as an ordinary moment when Jesus is in your midst, whether he is working a miracle or chilling in your lounge room.
Martha on the other hand is letting this 'ordinary' moment slip by, she's been distracted by the doing of life and in doing so she misses the fact that 'the life' was sitting in her lounge room having a conversation with her sister...
I know God is big, I know Jesus is extraordinary but sometimes I am so busy doing life, or looking for him in BIG experiences and events that maybe I miss him in the midst of the everyday ordinary moments. Maybe if I looked for him in the mundane, in the everyday activities my perspective would change? Ordinary moments would become extra ordinary because Jesus isn't normal, he ain't ordinary, he's God?!
A beer or a coffee with a mate, a conversation with my wife, a walk through the city, catching up with friends, watching a game of basketball, going to an art exhibition, working, playing and relaxing could become less ordinary if I look for Jesus in the centre of it all?!
I reckon this will transform our 'doing' of life.
I Imagine what it would be like if we started recognizing Jesus in our everyday, ordinary moments!? I wonder if our relationships would change, I wonder if our outlook on work would change, I wonder if we would start to treat others better because we see Jesus in all of it and in everyone?!
I don't want to miss Jesus in my lounge room!

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