In the below Time article about Rob Bell and his latest 'controversial' read, "Love Wins", I spotted the quote below and thought it was fantastic because, once again, I feel that, regardless of whether I agree or disagree with Bell, he treats me like the ADULT Child of God that I am rather then a spoon fed infant to often assumed upon believers...
Bell insists he is only raising the possibility that theological rigidity — and thus a faith of exclusion — is a dangerous thing. He believes in Jesus' atonement; he says he is just unclear on whether the redemption promised in Christian tradition is limited to those who meet the tests of the church. It is a case for living with mystery rather than demanding certitude.
Read more: http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,2065080,00.html#ixzz1JXHyi13h
Is it okay to live with mystery as a Christian? We seem okay with it when we quote C.S Lewis and relate God to a dangerous Lion... and we seem okay with suggesting that God is bigger then any one individual can comprehend, so why do we get all hysterical when one man asks some questions? Why does it seem we freak when a discussion is kicked off about a potentially grey area in the Bible?
I have plenty of questions still, thousands, regarding God, Jesus and the Bible... but I am okay with that because I know God has it sorted and that he is still taking questions, and involved in my personal journey of discovery when it comes to who He is and who I am. I like that I don't have it all figured out, because it prompts me to get involved with Him and His Church so we can figure it out together.
But what happens when the Church cuts you off when you can't figure something out?
If I weren't a Christian and I was looking at this from the outside I would make the assumption that the Church is extremely insecure... just sayin'.