Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Tom Chatfield: 7 Ways games reward the brain...
Really interesting thoughts that could possibly be interpreted and utilized when it comes to building a strong and productive leadership team perhaps?
"We're bringing gameplay into more aspects of our lives, spending countless hours -- and real money -- exploring virtual worlds for imaginary treasures. Why? As Tom Chatfield shows, games are perfectly tuned to dole out rewards that engage the brain and keep us questing for more."
To check out Tom Chatfield's TED Talk on 7 Ways Games Reward the Brain click here.
"We're bringing gameplay into more aspects of our lives, spending countless hours -- and real money -- exploring virtual worlds for imaginary treasures. Why? As Tom Chatfield shows, games are perfectly tuned to dole out rewards that engage the brain and keep us questing for more."
To check out Tom Chatfield's TED Talk on 7 Ways Games Reward the Brain click here.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Killing time in malaysialand...
Been in KL for just over a week, most of the time has been spent shopping, eating or just killing time in the hotel room.
Tonight we're at Club twenty-one in bangsar. The crew here is the best so far. They were on time to training, took notes & really engaged with what we were sharing.
Looking forward to getting tonights 2 shows done & dusted so we can get on with the good times...
Tonight my friend Azza Azza (AKA Special K) happens to be in the same country, so he'll be joining us in the revelry, so one thing is for sure - wherever we end up will end up being a great time!
This weekend we'll be in Penang for our last 2 events - then it's back to reality & our amazing ladies!
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Tonight we're at Club twenty-one in bangsar. The crew here is the best so far. They were on time to training, took notes & really engaged with what we were sharing.
Looking forward to getting tonights 2 shows done & dusted so we can get on with the good times...
Tonight my friend Azza Azza (AKA Special K) happens to be in the same country, so he'll be joining us in the revelry, so one thing is for sure - wherever we end up will end up being a great time!
This weekend we'll be in Penang for our last 2 events - then it's back to reality & our amazing ladies!
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Saturday, November 13, 2010
Event # 2 - done and dusted...
Second event is down. Crowd and crew was very different at 7atenine then at Ecoba. A little education, training and passion goes a long way as I discovered when hanging out with the boys from 7atenine. They are a very good bartending crew, they know how to mix, flair and work as a team...
Having said that I am a big fan of the peoples bartender. The kind of bartender that builds relational credit in 30 seconds, the bartender that engages with the customer, has a laugh with them and shows them a great time - something the less organized crew from ecoba probably did better... most of the time.
The culture and clientele from both venues is very different. Ecoba punters are very down to earth and relaxed, whereas the regulars of 7atenine were very prententious and less inclined to engage with those who serve them.
Secondly the bar set up at 7atenine was very unusual. A round bar with tables that jet out from every angle. Every table has their own waiter and the bartender never actually engages with those in his venue - in short the bartenders here are pretty much glorified service bartenders, built for speed and efficiency, rather then for customer engagement and service.
Bit of a waste if you ask me because the boys could probably make a heck of a lot more money for the venue and tips for themselves if they had more opportunity to unleash their mad skills on the general public.
As for the show tonight - it went okay. I dropped alot again and really struggled to see the bottles because of poor lighting, but other then that we met some great people and had a great time throwing the bottles and making some good cocktails that ended up selling for over $70aud each with the proceeds going to the local bar crew...
The next 4 days we have off before our next event at club 21.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
First Event done...
Andy and I did our first training session, series of 4 flair shows and media interviews at Ecoba in Kuala Lumpar yesterday... it was a long and emotionally draining day but the promoters, Absolut representatives and the local bartenders were all very happy with what we provided them.
Andy and I both struggled during our performances as the bottles and equipment we were provided with were not what we had asked for and this made it difficult for us to flair well, however what we lacked with crazy bottle skills we made up for in showmanship.
All in all we were glad to get the first day out of the way, we met some great people and had alot of laughs - hopefully we'll iron out some of the kinks and make the next 4 events even better then the first.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Malaysialand adventures...

Night one in Malaysialand was spent half asleep at a great little whiskey bar called... The Whiskey Bar.
Andy and I ordered a couple of Old Fashioneds and some food - one hawaiian and one duck breast and mushroom pizza - and settled in for a couple of hours of good conversation.
The Old Fashioneds were okay, but they didn't stock my bourbon of choice, Woodford Reserve, so it wasn't fantastic. The pizza was unreal and we both devoured a couple pretty quickly.
We decided to stick around after the bar crew hooked us up with some free sangria... although it was probably the worst Ive ever had, we appreciated their kindness and hung around long enough to enjoy a hit of 15 year old glenfiddich served over an ice ball...
It was what we needed after the flight and the briefing from our promoters / babysitters was over and I can tell you that I had no trouble sleeping once my head hit the pillow.
Today we spent the day shopping, bought us some shoes, haggled with a few taxi drivers, [and watched about 15 minutes of some crazy eastern eye martial arts film with one of 'em], went over our training and performance notes and called our wives...
Tonight we'll be hanging out with the owners of ecobar here in KL, along with their bar crew, our promoters and probably some of their friends. I am looking forward to some good food, good cocktails, good company and the creation of some good memories...
Monday, November 8, 2010
Malaysia here we come!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Banksy : Simpsons
I Am an appreciator of the artist Banksy, this opening of the Simpsons he directed is no exception...
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Generation NOW series...

Just a quick blog about the Generation NOW series we have launched at the Church I am a part of.
The Series is all about building strong families and relationships while having heaps of fun and creating some good memories and learning some great tools and principles along the way - have a look at our Pastors Blog for a taste.
Check out the Gen Now facebook event invite for more details - anyone and everyone is welcome to come and hang out with us so if you would like to register do so here!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Been a while...
I am dreaming again.
Feels like it's been a while...
I am removing the limitations, beginning with my imaginings regarding what God can and desires to do.
First in me, then through me.
I am starting to believe that with God it doesn't have to be a this or that situation, It can be a this and that instead.
With God all things are possible... And the possibility with God is limitless.
I am beginning to believe it. Really believe it.
I can tell you that the future I am dreaming up with God right now is looking good.
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Feels like it's been a while...
I am removing the limitations, beginning with my imaginings regarding what God can and desires to do.
First in me, then through me.
I am starting to believe that with God it doesn't have to be a this or that situation, It can be a this and that instead.
With God all things are possible... And the possibility with God is limitless.
I am beginning to believe it. Really believe it.
I can tell you that the future I am dreaming up with God right now is looking good.
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Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Monday, August 16, 2010
Peak Bartending goes to Malaysia...
So it has been confirmed - Andy & I will be shooting over to Malaysia for 12 days, representing peak bartending, for a series of 5 product launches in K.L & Penang!
Yup, we're pretty pumped & nervous at the same time!
I have set up a 'flair gym' so we can get into some serious training before we leave late September!
Looking forward to trying my hand at fire flair too... Hope the punters enjoy our work!

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Yup, we're pretty pumped & nervous at the same time!
I have set up a 'flair gym' so we can get into some serious training before we leave late September!
Looking forward to trying my hand at fire flair too... Hope the punters enjoy our work!

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Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Untamed Book Review to come...
Hey guys keep an eye out for an up coming review of Alan & Deb Hirsches latest book "Untamed: reactivating a missional form of discipleship"
Monday, July 26, 2010
Scott Pilgrim Vs The World... who's pumped?
I am a massive fan of Michael Cera, especially after his role as Nick Twisp, and his evil alter ego, in the movie "Youth in Revolt" - so I am really looking forward to checking out Scott Pilgrim Vs The World...
Sunday, July 25, 2010
My weekend in movie land...

A normal weekend for me involves watching a few movies... This weekend just gone was no exception.
Here's what was showing at my place from Friday night onwards and my smurf score out of 10... 10 smurfs being the most unbelievable movie I have ever seen and 1 smurf being the worst... If I really wasn't into the movie I might just give an angry smurf score...
I have also started writing a blog devoted to movie reviews... - check it out!
Les Miserable (1995), Liam Neeson, Geoffrey Rush, Uma Thurman, Clare Danes
- 5 Smurfs
Shakespeare in Love (1999), Gwenyth Paltrow, Joseph Feinnes, Geoffrey Rush, Colin Firth, Ben Affleck, Judi Dench
- 8 Smurfs
Billy Bathgate (1991), Dustin Hoffman, Nicole Kidman, Bruce Willis, Steve Buscemi
- 2 Smurfs
Remember the Titans (2000), Denzel Washington, Will Patton
- 5 Smurfs
Men who stare at Goats (2009), George Clooney, Ewan Mcgregor, Jeff Bridges, Kevin Spacey
- 7 Smurfs
Good weekend all round!
Friday, July 23, 2010
Inception - more layers then an Adriano Zumbo Chocolate Mousse Cake!

I've never been a great fan of Leo Di Caprio - but I have always enjoyed the movies he has been in, with the exception of Shutter Island which promised so much but after I had the plot and twist figured within the first 15 seconds I fell asleep on my fine ass couch, wrapped in my Yankee throw rug, which I can promise you I enjoyed far more.
Inception delivered a completely different experience altogether.
From the moment I heard the deep drone introduction, like an army of depressed vuvuzela's, I knew I was in for something epic.
Leo plays Dom Cobb, an expert in corporate espionage, that no longer plays itself out in real world, but rather in the subconscious and in the dreams of his corporate targets.
Cobb is good at what he does but after the death of his wife, he is blamed for her death and is forced to live and work on the run and away from home and his children - a history that sets up Cobb your typically likable and middle aged emo anti-hero type character that, you hope, achieves redemption in the end.
Cobb, along with his team, made up of a fraud man, Eames (Tom Hardy) an apprentice dream architect, Ariadne (Ellen Page) and his fellow extractionist, Arthur (Joseph Gordon-Levitt), take on one last job that involves the inception of an idea, rather then an extraction of one, and comes with the promise of freedom and a clean slate.
From start to finish this movie is a crazy ride that requires you hold on without blinking, or you risk missing some nugget of visual, acting or story line gold. I know I didn't want it to stop!
Leo was Leo, reliable and believable as Cobb, but the stand out performance for me was delivered by Joseph Gordon-Levitt, whose role as the 'Bondesque' Arthur was played, for me, so convincingly. Gordon-Levitt wins my favourite scene award with his revolving rumble with their targets' dream security force - it's nuts!
The story line is flawless and with more layers then an onion or an Adriano Zumbo Chocolate mousse cake - and it is just as sweet. It was not predictable and I appreciated that.
I am thinking that Inception might just score Leo his first Oscar win - but I have to say that this was well written, well directed, well dreamed and well executed by Christopher Nolan. It's been a long time between tasty drinks mate, with momento being my other piece of Nolan platinum, and I'm glad Christian Bale didn't make the cut.
My only regret, when it comes to inception, is that I can't go back in time and watch it again for the very first time.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Francis Chan interview got me thinking...
Stumbled across this interview with Francis Chan today and I absolutely loved some of the thoughts and the 'new' direction he seems to be taking the church...
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Artisans of Peace...
"Young people need help in order to integrate the vision into their own hearts and minds and to develop their own inner freedom and choices, learning little by little to be led inwardly by love, rather than from the outside, by rigid laws. They must be led to true community where they can become men and women of prayer and compassion, open to others and to the world, particularly to the poor, the oppressed, the lost and the vulnerable, and thus become artisans of peace." - Jean Vanier
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Sundays Coming...
I Have seen this video quite a few times in the last couple of days and have shown a couple of friends and the response has been varied.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Monday, May 10, 2010
Thrust into the world...
"We are prone time and time again to a morality that is more about observing rules & regulations than trusting in a living relationship of holiness that thrusts us into the world, rather than separates us from it" - Untamed, Alan and Deb Hirsch
Love this quote. We "GO" into the world because our relationship with Jesus compels us to go, thrusts us into the world that He loves. It's not out of religious expectation but out of Spirit driven compulsion...
John 4... Jesus "Had to GO", so do we. Our DNA is the same.
Bless ya as you go into all the world.
Love this quote. We "GO" into the world because our relationship with Jesus compels us to go, thrusts us into the world that He loves. It's not out of religious expectation but out of Spirit driven compulsion...
John 4... Jesus "Had to GO", so do we. Our DNA is the same.
Bless ya as you go into all the world.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Bordertown - Mark Sayers
Hey gotta get onto bordertown by Mark Sayers people...
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
The Legend's Kick ass side kick...
Below is the little 'tribute' I shared at my Pop's funeral over the weekend. I wrote it after reading a story he wrote years ago about my Nan, whom he called "The Legend"...
My Pop was one of the greatest men I have ever known...
If Nan was the Legend, then the legend had a kick ass sidekick.
I’m sure Nan knew it. We all did.
You were the sidekick that loved to be centre stage. You couldn’t help it, it was just how it happened, and we all loved it that way.
When I was younger I wanted to be your sidekick. I think you let me too.
I’m sorry Pop, that I only remember some of our adventures together but I mostly remember ‘things’ - things about you, things you taught me, things you said and things you did…
I remember the way your stubble felt when you kissed me hello, when I gave you a hug, when we said goodbye.
I remember your hands. They’re the same as my dads.
I remember the way you walked. I used to laugh at the way you looked when you’d mow the lawn. Mum said you had chicken legs and bad knees and that I inherited them…
I remember what you’re voice sounded like. I loved to sit and listen to that voice more then your stories. It was strong, it was wise, it never judged, it always encouraged and was always full of pride. Not just for me but for all of us.
I remember the way you laughed, and that you mostly laughed when you were near Nan and family – especially when we were all together.
I also remember when you came up for my wedding and you got so excited that you spent the night before playing cards and drinking port with the family and then had to leave the reception early...
I think you just loved to be around people Pop… and I can’t remember you ever saying a bad word, maybe I just can’t remember if you did. And I’m happy to remember you that way.
You were generous with your time, with your words and with your heart… we all experienced it firsthand.
I just loved sit next to you. I didn’t care whether we talked or not. I just loved sitting next to you because you were my grandfather and when I was sitting next to you – I was the man. I reckon you would’ve made all of us feel the same way.
I reckon you would have loved to have been here with us today and I guess you kind of are, but I am hoping that the port you’re drinking now is better then the gear I plan to drink this afternoon.
You taught me that the ladies like to drink Pimms and dry ginger. And I have tended bar ever since.
You taught me about my dad. You told me stories about his strength and of his ‘sold out’ passion for Jay and I; and you loved our mum so much.
You taught me about how a man should talk to and treat a lady. You told me that a man should tell his wife he loves her and that he should give her a kiss everyday.
You taught me about the importance of family, about pursuing a full life and doing so passionately.
I will remember you every time I tell my wife I love her.
I will remember you every time I shake my dads hand.
I will remember you every time I hear a ridiculous story.
I will remember you every time my knees are giving me trouble.
I will remember you every time I step behind a bar. And every time I see a bottle of Pimms. And every time I drink a dry ginger. And every time I see a photo of you or nan. And every time someone calls me ‘The Man’.
If Nan was a legend, then the legend had a kick ass side kick.
Thanks for letting us be yours. I hope we made you proud.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Monday, March 1, 2010
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Oh God, Where Are You Now?
Was reflecting on Mark 15 this afternoon, it's the chapter that is all about the death and burial of Jesus...
In verse 41 it says that Mary M and some others were there, watching all this unfold in the distance.
I don't really know what Mary and the others mught have been thinking but I would be wondering - Oh God where are you now?
Thursday, February 25, 2010

"Steep your life in God-reality, God-initiative, God-provisions. Don't worry about missing out. You'll find all your everyday human concerns will be met. Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don't get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow." - Matt. 6 (MSG)
I am looking for "God-at-work" today. I know He is up to something. I want to get on board, get involved, be a part of what He is doing in my world.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
My who...
Probably won't win a Pulizer, but here's what came out of my brain this morning...
Not 'either or', but 'and'
Not 'I can't', but 'I can'
Not 'maybe', but 'yes' or 'no'
Not to stay, but to GO...
The what, the how, the where.
The me, the us, the you...
All determined by the 'who':
The who that is yours.
The who that you love, the who that loves you.
The who that you serve and the who that serves you,
Determines the who that you are.
My who is God,
His who is me,
His who is you,
His who is us.
All of us.
Not you 'or' me, but 'and'
Not 'He can't', but 'He can'
No 'maybes', but 'yes' or 'no'
He did not stay, but was determined to GO...
Not 'either or', but 'and'
Not 'I can't', but 'I can'
Not 'maybe', but 'yes' or 'no'
Not to stay, but to GO...
The what, the how, the where.
The me, the us, the you...
All determined by the 'who':
The who that is yours.
The who that you love, the who that loves you.
The who that you serve and the who that serves you,
Determines the who that you are.
My who is God,
His who is me,
His who is you,
His who is us.
All of us.
Not you 'or' me, but 'and'
Not 'He can't', but 'He can'
No 'maybes', but 'yes' or 'no'
He did not stay, but was determined to GO...
Monday, February 22, 2010
Made known to me...

"I saw the Lord always before me.
Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.
Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices;
my body also will live in hope,
because you will not abandon me to the grave,
nor will you let your Holy One see decay.
You have made known to me the paths of life;
you fill me with joy in your presence." - Acts 2:25-29
How has Jesus made himself known to you this week?
Can you see Him at work? Are you even looking?
Are you struggling? Do you need to know His joy, His gladness?
Are you confident that He is with you? Are you rejoicing?
Just an encouragement, as I have been encouraged, this week to sit in His presence. Be reminded that He is with you, He will never leave nor forsake you... ever!
Saturday, February 20, 2010
I see God in the sky...
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
He Was Hungry...
Talk about an understatement:
“…for forty days He was tempted by the devil. He ate nothing during those days, and at the end of them he was hungry.”
Ya think?
Jesus is amazing. That is also an understatement.
The devil came at our Saviour after forty days. Ha.
Put simply Jesus is hardcore, the devil is not. Jesus is so hardcore, so crazy in love with us, and His creation that even forty days in the desert without food could not rob His resolve in going all the way to the cross for you and I.
I am prepared to follow Jesus into the desert – as long as He comes with me.
Sometimes I feel like I am in the desert. I feel hungry, confused, lost, alone and out of control. You?
Sometimes I’m good, fired up, passionate, excited, happy.
Either way I always need Jesus.
I am thankful that He has been in the desert too. I am thankful that He knows just what it feels like. I am thankful that He overcame hunger and temptation and I am thankful that because of Him, and in Him, and through Him I have and I am able to conquer hunger and every temptation, and every circumstance that life might throw at me.
I’m glad that what Jesus has done for me is also true for you. I’m glad that you’re with me.
If you are in a desert place – Jesus has been there too.
If you are being tempted – Jesus was tempted too.
If you are in a moment of desperate hunger – Jesus was hungry too.
“Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has gone through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess. For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet was without sin. Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” – Hebrews 4:14-16
Bless ya.
“…for forty days He was tempted by the devil. He ate nothing during those days, and at the end of them he was hungry.”
Ya think?
Jesus is amazing. That is also an understatement.
The devil came at our Saviour after forty days. Ha.
Put simply Jesus is hardcore, the devil is not. Jesus is so hardcore, so crazy in love with us, and His creation that even forty days in the desert without food could not rob His resolve in going all the way to the cross for you and I.
I am prepared to follow Jesus into the desert – as long as He comes with me.
Sometimes I feel like I am in the desert. I feel hungry, confused, lost, alone and out of control. You?
Sometimes I’m good, fired up, passionate, excited, happy.
Either way I always need Jesus.
I am thankful that He has been in the desert too. I am thankful that He knows just what it feels like. I am thankful that He overcame hunger and temptation and I am thankful that because of Him, and in Him, and through Him I have and I am able to conquer hunger and every temptation, and every circumstance that life might throw at me.
I’m glad that what Jesus has done for me is also true for you. I’m glad that you’re with me.
If you are in a desert place – Jesus has been there too.
If you are being tempted – Jesus was tempted too.
If you are in a moment of desperate hunger – Jesus was hungry too.
“Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has gone through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess. For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet was without sin. Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” – Hebrews 4:14-16
Bless ya.
Monday, February 15, 2010

So I have never participated in lent before but as of tomorrow I will be getting amongst it with some of my mustard peeps as we explore the journey Jesus took in the lead up to the Cross...
I am expecting to learn a whole lot over the next few weeks and to grow closer to Jesus and others in the process... these are the verses we'll be focusing on:
Week one - Wed 17th - Tues 23rd: Jesus in the dessert (Luke 4:1-13)
Week two - Wed 24th - Tues 2nd: Mary Magdelene (Luke 8:1-3, Mark 15:33-41, 42-47)
Week three - Wed 3rd - Tues 9th: Judas (Matthew 26:47-56, 27:1-10)
Week four - Wed 10th - Tues 16th: Mary (Luke 1:39-45, John 19:16-30)
Week five - Wed 17th - Tues 23rd: Peter (Luke 22:31-34, 54-62)
Week six - Wed 24th - Sunday 28th: Barabbas (Matthew 27:15-26)
Feel free to follow our blog and journey with us...
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